Four reasons why I love my job

It’s 6 am. I’m still lying in bed and looking that the Sun rises. It’s so beautiful that I don’t want to leave my room.

“Why do I have to get up? Oh right… I have to go to work. What am I going to do at work today anyway? Ah right! Designing that brochure. That sounds fun! Alright, time to make coffee!”

That’s my conversation with myself every morning. I have to motivate myself to wake up and be excited for work. These are four things that excite me to go to work.

  1. Task

    Every project, from designing a holiday card to promoting a tax form, can be exciting. I treat my projects personal. I give a touch of emotion to it. It makes me appreciate my design. I will not give a project that I am not happy about. Although a project is rejected, I don’t feel it is a waste because I have fun when designing it. I feel like I am just playing my favourite video game. For me, like in a video game, the big enemy is the most boring project. The challenge is how to make it exciting, even for my own view.

  2. Place

    Place is important for me. I work for 8 hours a day. It means I have about 6 hours to live my own life.

    I was offered a job. It sounded interesting until they showed me my potential desk. It looked like a small coffee table in the corner. It was full of empty cans which they said they would clean it once I got the job.

    I ran away.

    I like my work space now. I can see rivers and the Parliament Hills through huge windows behind me. I always try to keep my desk clean so I feel like “home” on my desk. It calms me down and gives me inspiration when my mind gets stuck.

  3. People

    It can be your managers, clients, coworkers, or a cashier whom you get your coffee from in the morning. I treat them like my friends or even family. I talk to them not just about work but also about everyday life, from a sourdough recipe to a story of how their cottage was broken into. These stories make my work place alive because everyday is a different story to be told. There is no better place when you can see the people you love and feel loved when you are around them.

  4. Purpose

    Last month, I met a director from a health organization. She was different because her drive to be a director was not status or wealth. She studied about health because that was she cared about. She was doing what she loved, and her passion brought her to the position she is at now. I could see her fire of passion on her eyes when I talked to her. She was special.

    My passion has changed over the time. I was very passionate about global warming. It somehow changed to social justice, and I was recently interested in feminism. Although I am still searching what I am passionate about, I know I make positive contributions with my work. Supporting a good cause and making a different really motivates me to work.

“Falling is easy, staying in love is hard” is a lyric from Sails by Pat Barrett. It is easy to fall in love with a career. It is hard to be excited to go to work every morning, but it is easier when I can pick one of the four reasons why I love my job.

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