Bad English

Language was one of the hardest challenges for me when moving to Canada from Indonesia. English is not an easy language to learn.

Starting off on a rough start

I often got the lowest mark in english class when I was in Indonesia. I remember I got 17 out of 100 on a test in high school. I didnā€™t understand the language. My friends were concerned about my situation. ā€œAre you really going to Canada? You always failed your english tests.ā€

I moved to Canada in the fall. I got my first job at a sandwich place with my sisterā€™s reference couple weeks after I moved. I barely spoke english. I didnā€™t know what a panini or a bagel was. Even worse, I got an ear infection from the Canadian cold weather. It didnā€™t help my work performance because I couldnā€™t hear orders I got. I didnā€™t tell my boss that I was sick because I was too scared and didnā€™t have confidence in my english. I always made wrong sandwiches.

I was fired a week after.


I kept applying for jobs and made time to improve my english on my free time. I was accepted to a bachelor of communication program in information design. Writing an essay was the most challenging assignments for me, but I had classmates and professors that were really supportive. They kept pushing me and believed in me that I could do better. I passed all writing assignments.

As an international student, my tuition was double the price. Getting fired on my first job in Canada didnā€™t stop me from getting another job. There were couple semesters when I had three jobs on top of my full-time study. Most of my part-time jobs required excellent english to give great customer service. My colleagues and managers at work were very understanding. I would even say that I improved my english the most at work. They taught me what I couldnā€™t get from my english class or books.

I learned that I donā€™t have to speak the language of a country I am moving to. Language can be learned. All I need is to believe in myself. I will bring my best performance to my life and be kind to people around me. My english is still not perfect. I still speak with an accent. Language can be a barrier, but it wonā€™t hold me back, and confidence with a positive attitude will bring me to success.

ā€œKindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.ā€

– Mark Twain

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